How did you come to be?”

You’ve most likely been asking.

So please, come sit by the fire, and listen to your old grand pappy tell you the story of how Ch*lk U came to be.

Short and sweet:

Ch*lk U was made through:

Excruciating pain, three guys, many first world problems, and a woman.

Long and… not… so sweet?

They say it takes two to make the dream work; these words are only half true.

Since later on two more would join the fight. Which if you can do the math (it’s okay if you can’t),

makes four people who made the dream work.

And Ch*lk U was the dream.

So you’re asking, how did two passionate Las Vegas born and raised gentlemen acquire two more passionate gents to make such a grandiose dream into the work of beauty that Ch*lk U is today?

Thank you for asking such a long complicated question that we have the answer to.

When we started climbing we noticed a glaring problem (besides the fact that we could only do V0’s)…

There was no good climbing merch.


We were convinced we would find the holy grail before we would find any worth-having climbing merch.

Then, like an answer from a higher power, it came to us.

We would be the ones to create the climbing merch that the world longs for.

Would you believe it, the easy part is thinking of an idea, and the hard part is making that idea into reality.

And man was it hard.

Do we continue climbing for another four hours? Or do we find out how to make an apparel company?

four hours later we hit the ground running.

From this first world problem to that first world problem, things were sliding down a slippery slope.

What do you do when things are out of hand?

You enlist the help of more hands.

Our good friend that’s an artist, and one of our wives to keep production and us guys in line.

With two new helpers we could really hit the ground running… harder?

Anyways, after months of studying advanced quantum mathematics, human evolutionary biology, chemical warfare, biomedical engineering, and doing some geological surveying,

we had found all of this to be useless in the production of an apparel company.

So we moved our sights onto studying company production, graphic design, website creation; the whole nine yards.

This made us look not just into apparel, but also any type of merchandise.

Because who doesn’t like a water bottle about climbing?

hey, water’s essential, is it not?

Finally the finish line was in sight.

All we had to do now was print the merch and ship them out to our lovely adoring fans… Right?

A few months later we were eventually right.

And at this point it dawned on us why there was no worth-having climbing merch before us…

This was hard.

Imagine someone told you:

In order for the climbing merch of your dreams to be a reality, you have to go free solo that 4000 foot mountain over there.”

Sounds like a fun and safe outing doesn’t it.

And as you might be able to venture a guess,

we free soloed that 4000 foot mountain.

You're welcome.